Monday, February 7, 2011

Non-Lovable Losers

Today's lesson in public relations: don't add new negatives. Case in point, my childhood love, the New York Mets. 

The Mets have received much news coverage for the past two weeks. None of it that I can recall has had anything to do with hitting a ball with a stick, running, sliding, or catching. No, what the team I have loved since birth has gotten press for is being the number one client of one Bernard Madoff, the most hated man in New York and quite possibly the world.

Bernie Madoff makes Bin Laden blanch.  He destroyed the retirements of hundreds of people who thought that when they retired they would be buying a home in Coconut Grove and are instead stuck in fleabag motels in Sunny Isles. But the Mets owners made loads of money with Bernie.  They spent it on talent that usually ended up flopping (there's an odd symmetry about that).

Throughout their early years, the Mets were lovable losers - that was their negative. Later, as the second team in town to the Yankees, the lovable loser label got them by and kept their faithful in the flock. "The Mets have shown me more ways to lose than I even knew existed," said manager Casey Stengel. While the Wall Street barons snacked on brie at Yankee Stadium, Mets fans drank Shaeffer Beer. (The beer's jingle was "Shaeffer is the one beer to have when you're having more than one."  It was later rewritten to assuage the social responsibility police.)

Now? Their new negative steps on their old negative.  They're still losers - but lovable? Not unless they get sold.  I'd hate to be the ticket manager right now.  I certainly would have to shower if I bought a ticket...

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